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professional cosmetic services


The Facial Treatments

A facial is a great way to recharge your skin and get rid of impurities. Facial treatments typically involve a variety of techniques and products to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin on your face. It also includes various techniques to improve circulation and relaxation of the facial muscles.

Facial treatments are usually customized to address specific skin concerns, such as acne, wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and uneven skin tone. They can also help to improve overall skin texture, hydration, and radiance.

Our facial treatment starts with a preliminary consultation to determine your skin type and needs. The treatment is considered to be relaxing and rejuvenating.

bloody facials

Facial - Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling and PRP therapy are two treatments that when combined together, they are often referred to as the "vampire facial" or "blood facial". That's because it involves using your own blood. Microneedling is sometimes used with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for added cosmetic benefits.

When PRP is injected into the skin during a Bloody Facial, these formulas naturally induce collagen production on the most superficial layers. To enhance your skin’s reception of these nutritional injections, providers perform microneedling before or during the facial.

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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is known as a “natural filler” treatment that gives a more youthful appearance to the skin with minimal downtime. There are virtually no risks of allergies or sensitivity as PRP is derived from your own blood.

PRP is blood plasma containing high concentrations of platelets that stimulate stem cells to help the body regenerate and heal at a faster rate.

PRP improves overall skin texture, decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth and eyes, and plumps hollowing areas such as tear trough grooves, cheeks, and temples. PRP can also help smooth both acne and surgical scars.

Ultimate Glow Facial 90 mins

One of our core facials, the ultimate glow facial uses a gentle microdermabrasion to stimulate your skin,remove dead cells,and create a more radiant looking ok and feel. We will prep you for pore extractions and once you are spotless out professional strength red light therapy will tighten and plump your skin.

Followed by a primary cleansing and fruit enzyme mask to exfoliate away additional dead skin cells and impurities. Complete experience with a massage and professionally chosen treatment mask to increase circulation and tone. You will leave feeling radiant.

Red Light Therapy

It will tighten and plump your skin, smooth fine lines, brighten pigmentation and slow the aging process.

Dermaplaning Facial 75 mins

This results-driven facial will brighten, lighten and tighten your skin. If you’re in the mood for some pampering this relaxing treatment begins with a double cleanse with steam, skin prep followed by dermaplaning, enzyme mask, extractions and 15 minutes of light therapy.

Macho Glow 60 mins

Okay young men... this one's for you! The nuts and bolts of our basic facial, it includes a thorough cleansing, skin smoothing enzyme mask, steaming, brush exfoliation and extractions. We’ll top it off with a calming mask and appreciation for home improvement.

Customized Facial 60 mins

Perfect for all skin types. Receive a skin analysis and a personalized facial treatment that can help with exfoliation, extractions, facial massage with steam and a mask to stimulate a healthy complexion. Warm hand and shoulder massage is provided.

Microdermabrasion Facial 45 mins

A minimally invasive,rejuvenation treatment to balance overall skin tone and texture. A special application with a non abrasive crystallized diamond tip and suction glides over skin to lift and remove dead cells on the surface of skin. Extractions are done,followed by customized mask. Benefits: stimulates collagen production and blood flow, Reduce fine lines and wrinkles and uneven pigmentation, Leaves skin hydrated,healthy and radiant *RECOMMENDED IN SERIES 3-5 treatments**.

Flawless Express Facial 30 mins

So much to do so little time! Take advantage of our Flawless Express Facial. It's a quick treatment that is personalized for you, offering targeted treatment to one area. Your esthetician will maximize the time in your short appointment in favor of more hands-on-time for your treatment (Steam & extractions NOT included). Benefits:-increased hydration and fresher feeling skin, Rejuvenate skin on-the-go, *can combine this service with a massage or other treatment, brightened, glowy skin, leaves you with time leftover for additional treatments.

Teen Facial

18 years old and under 60 mins- Tackle teenage hormones with deep cleansing facial. We soften and exfoliate the skin and then perform some pore purging extractions. A targeted acne clay mask will calm the skin and fight future breakouts. Education is key! We will educate them on the best ways to keep their skin pimple-free. Add-on 30 min Blue Light Therapy Skills acne bacteria,reduces redness,tightens pores and improves texture and clarity. Helpful for acne scarring as well.

Acne Facial 75 mins

Acne is the most common skin disease and occurs when oil mixed with dead cells clogs follicles, leading to the growth of bacteria. This facial starts with anti-bacterial cleanser and digestive enzyme mask with steam to exfoliate the skin. After skin is prepped our professional will apply a detox mask to unblock follicles and brighten skin. We then top facial off with 20+ minutes of P-acne bacteria killing BLUE LED.

Gus Sha Treatment 45 mins

The Gua Sha stone will release facial fascia, minimizing wrinkles and puffiness. Your skin will have a smoother, more lifted look after just one session. We then focus on massaging and stretching tight neck and chest muscles to open up and release.

Back Facial

Our customized facial for the back helps clear clogged pores, inflammation, & back acne. People of all skin types can take advantage of this service.This treatment will tend to the hard to reach back area and focus on cleansing and extractions. Some immediate benefits of a back facial include treating dry skin,reducing clogged pores and helping to address other common imperfections.

The Devine Crystal Facial

The Devine Crystal Facial combines a signature facial and a mini energy healing session all in one. Essential oils are used to awaken the senses,and deeply cleanse and nourish the delicate facial skin. This facial releases muscle tension, whilst promoting cellular growth and balancing the epidermis layer ph-level. You will feel and see the healing benefits of essential oils combined with lymphatic facial massage.

Overview of Facial

A Bloody Facial takes about an hour to complete. A topical numbing cream may be applied before the treatment to the treatment area to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Next, 1-4 vials of blood are drawn and centrifuged to separate out a layer of concentrated plasma rich cells, platelets and growth factors.

This layer is then extracted and injected into the skin using very fine needles. Patients typically experience mild stinging during the procedure. Injecting PRP directly into the tissue allows your body to absorb and fully utilize all the benefits of your extracted platelet rich plasma.

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bloody facials
bloody facials

Microneedling with PRP “Bloody Facial” naturally stimulates your body’s own collagen production, and it takes about three months for maximum collagen regeneration to occur. Most patients notice an improvement in their skin texture in the first month after the treatment.

It is recommended to have 2-3 treatments spaced at 6- 8-week intervals. The results of microneedling with PRP are long term with most patients receiving touch up treatments at one year to further stimulate collagen production and continued facial rejuvenation.

Risk and Recovery

Bloody Facials are one of the lowest risk treatments because the process involves injecting a substance sourced from your own body. Mild injection site bruising, swelling or redness can occur but usually resolves after 3-7 days following the procedure.

Other risks include infection and pain at injection sites. It is recommended that patients start taking Arnica, a homeopathic medication that naturally decreases bruising and swelling following procedures

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bloody facials

Precare Instructions

  • Do Not take Aspirin, unless prescribed, for at least 1 week before the procedure. For optimal results and to decrease the chance of bruising at the draw site, please avoid all non-prescribed blood thinning medications and herbal supplements for 1 week prior to your appointment. Avoid taking non-prescribed Fish oil, Aspirin, and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS) such as such as Ibuprofen, Motrin and Aleve. Please notify your provider if you are taking Coumadin, Plavix, or any other blood thinners for any medical conditions.
  • AVOID ALCOHOLIC beverages the day before your treatment, as they can cause dehydration, and increase the risk of bruising.
  • Diet before Procedure! You should have a light meal before arriving at the spa and avoid caffeine.
  • HYDRATE! You should drink at least 8 glasses of water 24 hours before your treatment and at least 12 ounces of water the morning of your treatment. Failure to come hydrated may result in suboptimal blood draw. If we are unable to draw your blood because you did not properly hydrate, then your appointment may be rescheduled and subject to cancellation fees.
  • Avoid makeup, retinoids, glycolic acids, vitamin C products for 1 week before your procedure.
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bloody facials

Post care for injection of PRP

For 3 days after the procedure:

  • DO NOT apply makeup
  • DO NOT touch the injection site, except for gentle cleansing
  • DO NOT swim or undertake in any strenuous exercise
  • DO NOT expose yourself to long periods in the sun
  • DO NOT sit in a sauna, hot tub, or Jacuzzi
  • DO NOT expose yourself to extreme hot or cold temperatures, or to large swings in temperature

Use only gentle skin care products to wash the treated area for the first 3 days such as Cetaphil gentle cleanser, after which you can resume normal skin care.

For treatments involving the face or lip area:

  • DO NOT drink very hot or cold beverages for 3 days
  • DO NOT undergo other cosmetic treatments such as chemical peels, laser treatments, etc for at least one month

Post care for topical application of PRP (combined with microneedling or laser):

  • DO NOT wash your skin for 5 hours after treatment
  • DO NOT swim or undertake in any strenuous exercise or activity that may cause sweating for 5 hours
  • DO NOT expose yourself to the sun for 5 hours

For best results and efficacy we recommend a series of 2-3 treatments administered at 6–8 weeks intervals. You may notice immediate as well as longer term improvements in your skin.

Potential Side Effects

In some very rare cases, slight side effects may occur redness, local swelling, edema, local pain. These should not last more than a few hours but can last up to a few days. These are normal treatment consequences.

In case of local infection, antibiotics may be prescribed. Nevertheless, immediately contact your treating provider with any questions. Multiple treatments are needed for optimal result.

bloody facials

SN Aesthetics

241 Church Street

Concord, NC 28025

Phone: 704-960-4543
