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Non Surgical Fat Reduction

Non Surgical Fat Reduction - Lipodissolve, is a treatment that injects phosphatidylcholine deoxycholate (PC/DC) into areas of fat in your body, causing them to dissolve.

Both components of PC/DC in Lipodissolve affect fat. Studies have shown that the destruction of fat cells reduces fat tissue volume. The exact mechanism is not known, but it is believed to be the direct destruction of fat cells through a process called apotosis. PC/DC has been shown to selectively reduce fat cells without damaging other tissues, although there have been reports of skin trauma such as blistering, which is very rare.

fat reduction

High Success Rates

The amount of fat reduction to achieve satisfaction is about 30%, though it varies based on the patient’s desires, and measurement method. To achieve full satisfaction the repeated treatments typically require 2-4 sessions per body area. Patients generally have 1-4 treatments, spaced 1-2 months apart.

Areas Lipodissolve can treat:

  • Abdomen
  • Flanks
  • Double chin
  • Arms
fat reduction

The average session treats 1-2 body areas with Lipodissolve at one time. This is based on the amount of PC/DC that is known to be safe during a single treatment. For example, the largest area that can be treated during a single session would be the abdomen or the flanks. For smaller areas we can offer multiple treatments on the same day.

Examples of small areas would be the under chin fat, or arms fat. It is common practice to schedule 2 sessions, 2 weeks apart, and then wait 4-6 weeks to determine whether additional treatments are required. During the waiting period we can treat additional body areas.

fat reduction

Lipodissolve vs. Other Fat-Reduction Treatments

Lipodissolve vs Mesotherapy

There is a lot of overlap in the terms. Mesotherapy refers to the injection of various drugs under the skin. When it was noted that PC/DC injections reduce fat, doctors performing mesotherapy started adding PC/DC to the mix, but this limited the amount of the effective fat reducing drug (PC/DC) that could be used in a single session. Fat reducing drugs commonly used in mesotherapy include L-carnitine, aminophylline, yohimbine, isoproterenol, and other “lipolysis” drugs. But only PC/DC was shown to permanently destroy fat cells, while the other ingredients aided in the fat cells releasing free fatty acids but offered no long-term benefit. The other drugs also had a narrower safety profile, so the dosage is the limiting step. PC/DC alone can be used in a more concentrated fashion to achieve better results.

Lipodissolve vs Coolsculpting

Another fat reducing procedure is called Coolsculpting (CS). CS uses a machine to keep fat at a temperature that leads to a similar destruction of fat cells without injections. CS doesn't have the inflammation (swelling, discomfort, redness) but is limited to the size and shape of the area treated. CS tends to take more treatments than PC/DC to get to the same results.

Lipodissolve vs Kybella

Both of these treatments are used to describe fat dissolving injections; however, they use different compounds. While Lipodissolve uses PC/DC, Kybella® uses deoxycholate, an FDA approved drug made to reduce fat in smaller areas of the body like under the chin. While Kybella is effective in these smaller areas, it is not as effective when injected into larger areas to reduce fat including the abdomen and flanks like Lipodissolve can.

SN Aesthetics

241 Church Street

Concord, NC 28025

Phone: 704-960-4543
